Traffic Safety @ Westall
Traffic Safety is important to keeping all our kids safe everyday. Please OBEY all the traffic rules when accessing the school by car.
We also promote students walking or riding to school, which has many benefits for their wellbeing.
Park in the surrounding streets, or Westall Hub car park. (No parking in the school car-park)
Arrive early - avoid the traffic
Use the new drop off zone
Drive slowly
ALWAYS supervise children in grades Prep (foundation), 1 and 2 when dropping off or collecting them from school. DO NOT let them walk through the car park without supervision.
Do not use the crossing at the hub as a drop off point.
OBEY the sign restricting turning right at different times of the day.

Walk to School Zones
The city of Kingston has analysed the local area, and promotes the following walk-to-school zone around our school where it is less than an 8 minutes walk to school.

E-Scooters (electric scooters)
New e-scooter rules.
Please be aware that new e-scooter rules have come into affect in Victoria and that children under the age of 16 are not permitted to ride them. They are also not permitted to be ridden onfootpaths.
Because of this e-scooters will not be permitted to be ridden to or from school by students, and not on schoolgrounds by anyone.
Please check all the requirements on the Vicroads website.

Bicycle and Push Scooter Safety
We encourage students to ride bicycles to school.
Remember to follow the road rules
* Wear a helmet
* Walk your bike across the main roads at the children's crossing
* Walk your bike on the school grounds
Many people do not know the road rules that apply to bikes. Please read through them with your children in the following handbook from Victorian Legal Aid.